Since its inception in 2015, the MLFO Campaign has been an effective convener of global civil society, advocating for a more open, inclusive and effective United Nations system, and, more broadly, for a renewal of confidence in multilateralism and global cooperation. The 75th anniversary year of the United Nations, 2020, was its most active period. Despite the many challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the campaign played an active role in the stocktaking and commemorative activities throughout the year, engaging with the United Nations Secretariat, Member States, civil society and other organizations to build support for a renewed and strengthened United Nations system. In May of 2020, United Nations hosted a People’s Forum with more than 600 participants from 75 countries and launched the United Nations 75 People’s Declaration and Plan for Global Action: “Humanity at a Crossroads: Global Solutions for Global Challenges.”

With the end of the United Nations’ efforts around the 75th anniversary rapidly approaching, the United Nations 2020 campaign has undertaken a holistic reassessment of its purpose and goals, and has initiated a restructuring process to support future civil society action and the outcomes arising from both the United Nations 75 Political Declaration and the United Nations 75 People’s Declaration and Plan for Global Action.

This United Nations 2020 strategic plan is intended to cover a three year time horizon (2021-2023), and to be reviewed and updated each year. This planning horizon is based upon the expectation that the recommendations to be made by the Secretary-General in his mandated report following up the United Nations 75 Declaration will include a call for a dedicated intergovernmental process to strengthen and reform the legal and institutional machinery of the United Nations system.

Environmental Scan

At its 75th session, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the UN75 Political Declaration, which recognizes that global challenges, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change, are interconnected and can only be addressed through “reinvigorated multilateralism”. World leaders agreed that multilateralism, with the United Nations at the center, is not an option but a necessity.

The Political Declaration calls on the UN Secretary-General, before the end of the current session of the GA, to report back with concrete recommendations for advancing the twelve commitments outlined in the Declaration and to respond to current and future challenges impacting the international community as a whole. In this ongoing effort, the Executive Office of the Secretary-General is to engage in a consultative exercise before reporting back to the General Assembly, a process which is still taking shape.

In addition to focus areas of the UN75 Political Declaration, there are a number of key factors that may have implications for the future direction of the UN2020 campaign, including the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the future leadership of the United States government, the return of great power rivalry, and the search and selection process for the next Secretary-General.

As these and other forces influence the efficacy of global cooperation, additional dynamics, including the mobilization of small and middle powers in defence of the multilateral system (e.g. the Alliance for Multilateralism), also influence the political environment within which UN2020 carries on its programs.

Theory of Change

Seventy-five years ago, world leaders, recoiling from the horrors of war, sought to secure a future free from fear and want. The result was the United Nations, established in the name of “We the Peoples.” Since then, the UN has faced challenges to its financial, political and social mission. Now more than ever, global cooperation is needed to confront the metastasizing crises of our time: the existential emergency of climate change, deep and growing inequalities, and persistent threats to peace in communities as well as between nations.

The future of the UN rests officially with the member states. But “we the peoples” have a critical role to play as well. TheUN2020 Campaign recognizes the importance of reinforcing and strengthening UN institutions, policies, norms, decision-making and implementation processes, while increasing its accountability and accessibility to civil society. However, it also recognizes that national governments are more likely to step up to the challenge when the values of global citizenship and human rights thrive in communities and the UN’s goals are pursued locally. Civil society helps to bridge the gap between global and local, and it is essential to ensure a vibrant UN.

Historically, the involvement of organized civil society has been an essential component of many of the UN’s innovative reforms, treaty negotiations and institutional evolution.

  1. Enabling environment for realizing UN2020’s vision
    1. Leadership at the UN, in governments and within civil society must be diverse, representative of a wide range of economic, social, cultural and political factors.
    1. Policies and approaches to change must be based on human rights principles and democratic inclusion.
    1. Financing for development must include funding for a vibrant civil society as a public good and it must be supportive of international cooperation.
  2. Approaches to Change
    1. Advocacy and Influence: Facilitate a “big tent” that provides an open and inclusive political space to facilitate civil society’s impact and influence at the UN, in regional contexts, as well as in other international bodies.
    1. Capacity Building: Build capacity by convening civil society and other stakeholders around key UN events while focusing on the interlinkages between global issues such as disarmament, peace, climate and financial, social, cultural and economic policies.
    1. Knowledge Production and Outreach: Produce and disseminate policy outcomes and thought leadership that reflect civil society priorities and aims for a holistic approach while addressing the crises of our times.

Vision and Mission

Vision: To transform the UN system by promoting inclusive people-centered multilateralism in partnership with civil society, governments, and the UN.

Mission: We provide an open forum for civil society, the United Nations and member states to promote the renewal, innovation, and strengthening of the United Nations system. We support and initiate partnerships, activities, campaigns, information-gathering and sharing, progressive ideas, leadership, and advocacy that advance the follow-up to the UN75 Political Declaration and the UN75 People’s Declaration and Global Plan for Action.


  • To hold member states and the UN accountable to the promises made in the UN75 Political Declaration.
  • To provide a space for civil society to advance the UN75 People’s Declaration and Global Plan for Action, and promote other innovations to revitalize and strengthen institutions, norms, policies, programs and practices that support the evolution of the United Nations.
  • To ensure that members of the network are informed and empowered to take part in relevant UN reform processes.
  • To advance civil society inclusion in all levels of decision-making at the UN.
  • To provide thought leadership and facilitate the exchange of ideas on global governance innovation.


Program of Work Streams

  1. UN75 Declaration Stocktaking Exercise
    1. Convene and partner in dialogues, brainstorming sessions, briefings, and events to facilitate the exchange of ideas and proposals relevant to the UN75 Political Declaration’s 12 commitments. These activities aim to inform the Secretary-General for his follow-up report on UN75 and other related follow-up activities.
    1. Publish a minimum of three op-eds or other features on international media platforms informing progress on the stocktaking exercise and progress on the work of the network.
      1. Publishing and re-publishing also ensure that we are reaching out to other audiences and constituencies who might be interested in joining the network.
    1. Guided by the UN75 Political Declaration and UN75 People’s Declaration and Plan of Action, provide updates on the stocktaking process and advocate for an inclusive and ambitious follow-up.
  • Events & Meetings
    • Annual People’s Forum
      • Consultations to review the implementation of the People’s Declaration and Global Plan for Action.
      • Program development for the Annual People’s Forum: framing issues, coordination, publicity and promotion.
    • Global Town Halls (three to four per year)
    • Thematic focus events involving relevant stakeholder communities.
    • Global     Update     Calls    (every    month     or     as    necessary    to     update current developments).
  • Annual Planning and Strategy consultation (November or December, internal to the campaign).
    • Co-host, co-sponsor and participate in events linked to important UN calendar activities.
  • Multilateral Innovation Hubs
    • Promote the work of partner organizations by supporting advocacy for sub- campaigns and initiatives related to UN reform and global governance.
    • Be a platform for facilitating, generating and promoting thought leadership.
    • Facilitate partnerships and collaborations for advancing new and emerging reform proposals for the UN and other international institutions.
    • Support public opinion surveys and convene focus groups to workshop various campaigns and ideas from the UN75 People’s Declaration and Plan of Action and to develop and promote various reform proposals.
  • Partnerships, Collaborations and Advocacy
    • Conduct strategic advocacy (eminent persons’ letters, sign-on letters, blogs, communiques, position papers, videos, podcasts, etc) aimed at influencing the SG’s follow-on report, member states’ consideration of the proposals listed in the UN75 People’s Declaration, as well as promoting other well- regarded ideas and initiatives.
    • Partner and collaborate with key stakeholders on events and other advocacy efforts that help advance the network’s objectives, beginning with the grassroots and including all levels from the local, to the national, regional and international.
    • Support UN initiatives, such as the Decade of Action, and other global agendas, such as the implementation of the Paris Agreement, etc.
    • Convene multi-stakeholder events to stimulate innovation and breakthrough thinking and activities.
  • Expand the reach and representation of the network in all regions of the world
    • Liaise and partner with regional initiatives, local actors, social movements, and other networks on advocacy campaigns and events that can boost UN2020’s reach and influence.
    • Translate important advocacy products and ensure that key advocacy messages are promoted on social media in different languages.
    • Increase diversity in civil society participation in the work of UN2020.

Organizational Structure

MIALANO LAW FIRM ORGANIZATION will be self-organized and open to all interested organizations working to promote the mission and values of the UN as well as the Sustainable Development Goals. Our role as a network is to mobilize our members to think creatively and, when possible, to act collectively. We serve as conveners and facilitators to engage civil society participation through information sharing, public awareness campaigns and when possible, input into the UN and international policy space.

The network will have five types of engagement which work together in a dynamic coherence, each with a different set of responsibilities. The structure will be flexible enough to encourage innovation and creativity and at the same time consistent in its support of vision and objectives.

  1. Secretariat:
    1. MIALANO LAW FIRM RGANIZATION will be supported by a small designated Secretariat team. They will be responsible for the logistics, communications, and management of the network. Having a stable Secretariat brings continuity and institutional memory to all future work of the restructured UN campaign.
  • Executive (Steering) Committee:
    • This group consists of the Secretariat (as non-voting members) and nine elected Partner member organizations. They serve two-year terms with half elected each year and representing the leadership of the network.
    • A nominating and election process will be set up with three persons not directly involved with the Coordination Group, or people who do not plan to run for a seat on the Executive/Steering Committee overseeing the process. Simultaneously, there will have to be an active recruitment campaign to engage a broader group of NGOs to ensure the necessary diversity.
    • Two co-facilitators will be elected by and from the members of the Executive Committee. They will represent organizations from the global north and south and serve as the face of the network to the outside world.
    • Executive/Steering Committee composition and requirements for participation:
      • Strives to be diverse across a number of criteria: regional representation, organization type, and area of work. We aim for the individual members to be equally diverse along gender, age, and other dimensions.
      • Must be a Partner (see below).
      • Steering Committee Members cannot serve more than two consecutive terms.
  • No organization may have more than one representative on the Executive/Steering Committee, but a representative may designate an alternate from his/her organization when unavailable to participate.
    • Members will function as co-chairs/co-facilitators of the standing committees and the thematic work groups (along with Secretariat co- chair/co-facilitator).
  • Partners:
    • These are organizations that take part in the substantive work of the network. They both commit to and implement the campaigns, programs, advocacy, and activities of the network. They are the proactive and generative actors in the network and the advancement of the network is dependent upon their work.
    • Partners are more closely involved in the strategic direction of the network and must make both time and financial commitments (suggested set minimum amount upon joining).
    • Only Partners can co-chair/co-facilitate Standing Committees and thematic work groups to ensure continuity.
    • Partner organizations are entitled to vote for Executive Committee members.
  • Members:
    • Member organizations follow the work of the network and can contribute to taking the work forward on an ad hoc basis. They are able to use the network to share information, intelligence and any general updates. They must align with the vision and principles of UN2020. It is recommended that Members have endorsed the People’s Declaration and Program for Global Action.
  • Supporters:
    • Members of our mailing list who do not fit in the aforementioned categories.

Proposed committee/working group compositions (to be reviewed periodically):

Due to the diversity of our missions, objectives, voices and perspectives, we suggest organizing around thematic work streams which act as hubs of expertise.

  1. The standing committees are to be led by Partners (fundraising; communications; advocacy; program planning; and others as necessary)
  • The thematic working groups are open to all levels of membership. It will be possible to join more than one work group, but co-chair facilitators are from among the Secretariat and the Partners. They are ad hoc and may work on substantive matters including the Civil society focal point/champion; A4M; Global Governance/International Parliamentary Assembly; and UN Reform. Others can be added as needed.

Communications, Branding and Identity

MIALANO LAW FIRM ORGANIZATION is now a recognizable name for its efforts in making the 75th anniversary of the UN count and for its advocacy in support of a strengthened UN. MIALANO LAW FIRM ORGANIZATION is known internationally amongst a variety of stakeholders, including the UN75 Secretariat, Permanent Missions, think-tanks and civil society. It is therefore essential that the rebranding of this campaign is communicated effectively and the target audience is on the rebranding journey for a successful transition.

Implementation Strategy and Conclusion

The MIALANO LAW FIRM ORGANIZATION Strategic Plan is premised on a three year time horizon (2021-2023), to be reviewed each year, linked to the expectation that a call for a dedicated intergovernmental process to strengthen and reform the legal and institutional machinery of the UN system will be made by the Secretary-General and Member States.

Once the MIALANO LAW FIRM ORGANIZATION Strategic Plan is adopted, the implementation of its provisions will require a phased approach during the first year of the plan. For example, once the rebranding process is complete, a transition strategy is required to ensure MLFO does not lose its audience or momentum. The key is effective communication on all media platforms, as well as a focused launch. Moreover, the timeline for the new organizational structure and electoral system will be contingent upon the availability of resources required for its implementation and management.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us, our campaign must remain a “big tent”, nimble enough to respond to unexpected crises and opportunities while systematically developing its network both geographically and thematically. With active participation, we are confident that our campaign will continue to deliver on its promise to support a people- centered multilateralism capable of providing global solutions for global challenges in partnership with the UN, Member States, civil society, and other stakeholders.